We've managed to watch quite a few movies this week - even sandwiched in between lots of season finales (Lost: amazing, 30 Rock & The Office: awesome!, House:
meh, Bones: horrible!!) Goodbye, TV - see you again in September!
Battlestar Gallactica: Season 4, Disc 2 - Still plodding along through this series. As well done as it is, it
certainly doesn't have the
adrenaline rush of watching 24, or the maddening puzzles of Lost which keep you breathlessly waiting for the next disc. The first disc of this season was really
just a 2-hour movie about mostly unknown characters, so to me this will really be the
setting off point for Season 4. Hope it's going to be a good one!
Dr. Katz, Disc 7 - We're still working our way through Dr.
Katz as well, but his is much more fun! We're about halfway through the entire series at this point and it's still damn funny! Can't wait to see how many times they get Ray
Ramono on this time. He's practically a supporting character he's on so often! Nothing wrong with that, of course, because he always brings the funny.
Crazy Love - I've been waiting to see this one for a while. Here's what
Netflix has to say: "This documentary from director
Dan Klores chronicles the disturbing true story of an obsessive relationship gone awry in 1950s New York between
Burt Pugach, a married lawyer, and his
twenty-something mistress, Linda
Riss. In a shocking reversal of the traditional "woman scorned" formula, it was
Pugach who came unglued when
Riss broke up with him -- and the subsequent fallout made headlines across the country. " I mean, just look at this guy! He's got whack-job written all over him!
CrazyLove is a completely disturbing film, but engrossing as well. One of those stories, that you have a hard time believing it's actually true.